Completed Circle Drums
When karma ends and your true destiny is fulfilled.
At Completed Circle Drums, in Charlotte NC, we offer tools and services for your journey into expanded consciousness and liberation. We have found in our own unfoldment process that birthing drums, and facilitating DrumMaking Workshops have furthered the way we experience life as an interwoven, inter-dimensional Whole. We have also come to experience Mother Earth and all her inhabitants as a fluid living consciousness where information and clues to our own evolvement are given freely and happily just for the asking and the giving of thanks.
All cultures, all nations, all peoples and even some of the two-, four -leggeds and creepy-crawlers have used rhythm and vibration in some form to enhance their lives. Particularly in the case of one-sided frame drums, peoples of the world have used them for healing, enlightenment, ritual and fun! The drum knows no prejudice. Its energy has embraced all the children of earth. It is the heartbeat of the Mother.
Our own lives have been so enriched by drumming and drum making and every fine nuance involved, that we could not imagine them being separate from our lives at this time. What better way is there to honor the spirit of the animal who has laid down his robe and offered himself up to be of service in another guise? What better way for a tree being to offer herself up to enliven our lives with joy by becoming part of the music and rhythm of the drum? What better form of meditation is there than the making of your own drum? And what better skill is there to know than journeying? We find it to be one of the most easy and effective tools to help us learn more about ourselves and the world around us. We are passionate in our love of drums and all the good works they bring forth.
Join us for DrumMaking and Journeying at either a one day workshop or a two day retreat at Sacred Grove. Or come to one of our Drum Circles or New Moon Celebrations. You could also have us create a drum and beater made specifically to order for you. Whatever you choose our intent is to assist you in bringing your authentic self out to play in the world.
Make a joyful noise!
Devan & Dave
Click below to hear a song that we were turned on to by a dear friend, Vicki Schenz, who has built drums with us and also owns drums that we have built. Thanks, Vicki!
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